Upcoming Meetings |
For a list of upcoming zebrafish related meetings click here.
Newsletter Sponsor
Opportunities are available for corporate or institutional sponsorship of, or advertising in, these newsletters, which are read by a large part of the zebrafish research community.
If you are interested in this opportunity, email info@izfs.org for more information.
Member of the Month
Each month we will profile a different IZFS member and their research work on the International Zebrafish Society website at izfs.org.
This outstanding opportunity to showcase your work is available to all IZFS members at all levels.
Join here if you are not already a member.
Job Board
The IZFS Job Board will be launching soon on the IZFS website. Members may post job openings to the board free of charge. Postings can be viewed by both IZFS members and by nonmembers.
Social Media
Follow us on social media.
Rebecca D. Burdine and Monika Dezhbod
Contributors to this issue:
David Grunwald
University of Utah
Joan Heath
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
Brant Weinstein
Mary Mullins
University of Pennsylvania
Mayumi Miller
HyunMin Jung
Aniket Gore
Do you shop on Amazon? If so, your shopping can help support IZFS! Go to https://smile.amazon.com/ and select the International Zebrafish Society as your charity. The site and prices are exactly the same, but Amazon will contribute a portion of each sale to the charity of your choice. These funds can be used to support IZFS activities including travel awards to IZFS meetings and funding for regional zebrafish meetings.
Welcome to the inaugural “News Splash” newsletter from the International Zebrafish Society (IZFS)! Click here to read more about the history and goals of IZFS.
Member Benefits
If you are not yet a member of the International Zebrafish Society, we strongly encourage you to join and to participate in the activities of your community society! Click the button below to learn more about IZFS membership benefits.
IZFS Board of Directors
President |
Vice President |
Secretary |
Treasurer |
Brant Weinstein, PhD
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Mary Mullins, PhD
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Stephan Neuhauss, PhD
University of Zürich
Zürich, Switzerland
Mary Halloran, PhD
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Peter Currie, PhD
Monash University
Clayton, Australia
Koichi Kawakami, PhD
National Institute of Genetics
Shizuoka, Japan
Miguel Allende, PhD
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile
Michael Brand, PhD
Technische Universität Dresden
Dresden, Germany
Corinne Houart, PhD
Kings College
London, United Kingdom
Steve Wilson, PhD
University College of London
London, United Kingdom
Sharon Amacher, PhD
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Rebecca Burdine, PhD
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey, USA
David Raible, PhD
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington, USA
Lilianna Solnica-Krezel, PhD
Washington University
St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Monte Westerfield, PhD
University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon, USA
Leonard Zon, MD
Boston Children’s Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Click on the pictures to read board members' full biographies.
The Allied Genetics Conference (TAGC) Meeting Report
The Allied Genetics Conference (TAGC) took place July 13-17, 2016 in Orlando, Florida. TAGC brought seven research communities together to hold their individual community meetings in one large conference...Read More
Click here to see the award winners.
Mid-Atlantic Regional Zebrafish (MARZ) Fall/Winter Meeting Report
On Friday, December 9th 2016, zebrafish researchers from around the Mid-Atlantic region gathered at the National Institutes of Health for a day-long research meeting...Read More
The 2016 Chi-Bin Chien Award Winner – Adam Miller
The Chi-Bin Chien award was created to honor a brilliant and inspiring young scientist who was quickly recognized as friend of many people throughout the zebrafish community and who died very young a few years ago of cancer. Chi-bin was diagnosed with ...Read More
Nominations for the 2017 Chi-Bin Chien Award are due February, 6 2017.
For more information click here.
The 2016 George Streisinger Award Winner-Charles Kimmel |
Congratulation to Dr. Charles Kimmel for being named the 2016 George Streisinger Award recipient. The award will be presented at the 2017 Strategic Conference of Zebrafish Investigators. The April 2017 IZFS News Splash will document this experience.
Nominations for the 2017 George Streisinger Award are due February 6, 2017.
For more information click here.
2017 Strategic Conference of Zebrafish Investigators Update |
IZFS leadership, conference organizers, and staff are currently preparing for the upcoming 7th Strategic Conference of Zebrafish Investigators (SCZI), once again being held at the scenic Asilomar Conference Grounds in Pacific Grove, California, in January 2017. This meeting will be the largest SCZI yet, with over 210 primary investigators descending on Asilomar for four days of intensive scientific sessions, workshops, and region-specific and general community sessions. Registration for this meeting is now closed. If you are one of the lucky attendees, check out the SCZI 2017 website at izfs.org for information on the conference program, how to get to Asilomar, and other relevant details. We look forward to seeing many of you at what promises to be an extremely exciting and productive meeting! |
Call for Associate Editors/Contributors |
News Splash has exciting opportunities available to trainees, junior faculty, or senior investigators to serve as either IZFS Newsletter Associate Editors or Contributors. Associate Editors have the opportunity to assist with some or all content for the News Splash issues. Opportunities include writing, editing and helping to develop new ongoing features of the newsletter. Excellent experience to add to your resume!
Contributors help produce specific stories for the newsletter. You can contact the News Splash team with your idea for a story, or we can provide an assignment. For example, we are looking for contributors to provide meeting reports, article reviews, technology reports and policy briefs.
All of these opportunities are available to anyone in the zebrafish community at any stage of their career, and is useful for those wishing to obtain science writing experience. Email info@izfs.org for additional details.