17th International Zebrafish Conference (IZFC)

The IZFC has been THE “go to” meeting for the zebrafish community for more than two decades. Over 400 zebrafish community members joined live in Montreal for the 17th International Zebrafish Conference and 200+  attended virtually. It was a truly unique and innovative conference that incorporated the best of both in-person and virtual conference experiences.

Click the IZFC Virtual Platform button below to access the recordings from the 17th IZFC. Session recordings can be found in the schedule tab. 

Important information and dates:

Abstract review completed - early June
In-Person Registration Closes - June 10
Virtual Registration Closes - June 26
Live Conference - June 22-26
On-Demand Access Closes - October 1 


17th IZFC Artwork Contest Winner

Thank you to all those who submitted artwork for the competition....We are pleased to share the winning entry, submitted by Edlyn Wu, PhD, MSC. Dr. Wu is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Lab of Nadine Vastenhouw, at the University of Lausanne.


17th International Zebrafish Conference Organizing Committee

Lila Solnica-Krezel, PhD,
IZFS President, Committee Chair
Washington University School of Medicine

Ashley Bruce, PhD
University of Toronto

Brian Ciruna, PhD
University of Toronto

Hiromi Hirata, PhD
Aoyama Gakuin University

Corinne Houart, PhD
King's College London

Kristen Kwan, PhD
University of Utah

Kessen Patten, PhD
Institut National de Recherche Scientifique

Caroline Lei Wee, PhD
Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore

Flavio Zolessi, PhD
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de La Republica


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