PhD Student Position - Exeter University

Organization: GW4 BioMed
Date Posted: 9/12/2024
City: Exeter
Country: United Kingdom
Primary Category: PhD Student Position
Title: The controlled spreading of Wnt receptors determines signalling in the tumour microenvironment.

Description & Details:

Cells communicate by sending signals that cause receiving cells to change their behaviour.  In response to such a signal, cells will adopt a specific fate or start to divide. Failure to properly control cell signalling, for example, if the wrong cells receive the signal, causes diseases such as cancer. Wnt signalling is a critical pathway controlling cell behaviour in development and diseases. In this project, we will decipher why specific cells can respond to Wnt signals whereas others do not. This knowledge is essential to understand embryogenesis and tissue homeostasis and, consequently, to control many diseases.

To Apply:


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