Past Meetings

International Zebrafish Conference (IZFC)

17th International Zebrafish Conference
Montreal, Canada & Virtual | June 22-26, 2022

16th International Zebrafish Conference
Virtual | June 16-22, 2021

15th International Zebrafish Conference
Canceled 2020

14th International Zebrafish Conference
Suzhou, China | June 12-16, 2019

13th International Zebrafish Conference
Madison, WI, USA | June 20-23, 2018

11th International Conference on Zebrafish Development and Genetics 
Madison, WI, USA | June 24-28, 2014

Strategic Conference of Zebrafish Investigators (SCZI)

9th Strategic Conference of Zebrafish Investigators
Taipei, Taiwan - Canceled | February 4-8, 2020

8th Strategic Conference of Zebrafish Investigators
Pacific Grove, CA, USA | January 12-16, 2019

7th Strategic Conference of Zebrafish Investigators
Pacific Grove, CA, USA | January 14-18, 2017

Strategic Conference of Zebrafish Investigators
January 17-21, 2015


For a complete list of our archived webinars, please click here 

Current members may access the recorded webinars by logging into the "members-only" portal

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