News from the Zebrafish Community

*IZFS member names are in bold

Sincere thanks to All Things Zebrafish @ZebrafishRock for help via the #DanioDigest.  Follow him on Twitter for up to the moment Zebrafish community news!

  • Dr. Corinne Houart (King's College and Francis Crick Institute) and Dr. Andrea Pauli (Institute of Molecular Pathology) were elected as EMBO Members, and Dr. Leonard Zon (Boston Children's Hospital) was elected as an EMBO Associate Member.
  • Dr. Liz Patton (University of Edinburgh) was selected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
  • Dr. Matthew Lovett-Barron (University of California, San Diego) and Dr. Daniel Wagner (University of California, San Francisco) were named as Searle Scholars. 
  • Dr. Cressida Madigan (University of California, San Diego), Dr. Aaron McKenna (Dartmouth College), and Dr. Summer Thyme (University of Alabama at Birmingham) were named as Pew Scholars.
  • Dr. A. Thomas Look (Boston Children's Hospital) was awarded the 2021 Society of Memorial Sloan Kettering Prize.
  • Dr. Alicia Timme-Laragy (University of Massachusetts Amherst) received the 2021 Outstanding Young Investigator Award from the Society of Toxicology Women in Toxicology Special Interest Group, and Monika Roy (University of Massachusetts Amherst), a graduate student in Dr. Timme-Laragy's group, received the Paper of the Year Award from the Northeast Regional Chapter of the Society of Toxicology.
  • Dr. Mohamed El-Brolosy (Stainier laboratory, Max Planck Institute, Bad Nauheim) and Dr. Yunmin Wu (Baier laboratory, Max Planck Institute, Martinsried) were each awarded the Otto Hahn Medal for their scientific achievements during their graduate research.
  • Dr. Johann Eberhart (University of Texas at Austin), Dr. Jordan Shavit (University of Michigan), and Dr. Tamara Tal (Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research) were all promoted to the rank of Professor.
  • Dr. Caterina Becker (University of Edinburgh) was awarded a 2022 Alexander von Humboldt Professorship. She will be relocating to the Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden at TU Dresden as a Humboldt Professor.
  • Dr. Katie Kindt (NIDCD/NIH) was awarded tenure. 
  • Dr. Akankshi Munjal will join Duke University as an Assistant Professor. 
  • Dr. Katherine Rogers will join the NICHD at the NIH as a Group Leader. 
  • Dr. Alexandria Volkening will join Purdue University as an Assistant Professor.

Would you like to have your news featured here?  Please send any community news to for publication in our next newsletter.

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