The 7th Chinese Zebrafish Conference (CZFC)

The 7th Chinese Zebrafish Conference (CZFC) will be held on July 20-23, 2021, in Guiyang, Guizhou. Guizhou is a southwestern mountainous province of China with stunning scenic sites of Huangguoshu Waterfalls and Mount Fanjingshan.

The theme of this year’s CZFC is “ReproductionDevelopmentDiseases and Health”, covering all aspects of zebrafish research from early development, organogenesis, physiology, infection and immunity, disease models and mechanism, drug screen and toxicology, to genomics and evolution.

This conference is sponsored by the Chinese Zebrafish Society (CZFS) and is projected to be the largest in-person gathering of zebrafish researchers this year with more than 700 participants.

The conference official website

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