National Institute of Genetics - Neurobiology and Pathology Laboratory, Department of Gene Function and Phenomics - Assistant Professor

Organization: National Institute of Genetics - Neurobiology and Pathology Laboratory, Department of Gene Function and Phenomics
Date Posted: 03/12/2025
City: Shizuoka
Country: Japan
Primary Category: National Institute of Genetics - Neurobiology and Pathology Laboratory, Department of Gene Function and Phenomics
Type of Position: Assistant Professor

Description & Details:

The National Institute of Genetics (NIG) invites one assistant professor for basic research related to the nervous system, research on neurological diseases, or development of genetic tools. Please see the details below and apply accordingly.


The successful candidate is expected to demonstrate strong motivation for conducting basic research on the nervous system, investigating neurological disorders, or developing genetic tools, using zebrafish as a model, in collaboration with Associate Professor Kazuhide Asakawa.

To Apply:

NIG Personnel Committee (Personnel Team)
Mailing Address:
National Institute of Genetics
Yata 1111, Mishima, Shizuoka 411-8540 JAPAN
TEL: +81-55-981-6716
FAX: +81-55-981-6715
NIG Organization Chart:

Application Materials:

I. Curriculum Vitae (In English. Japanese applicants should also submit a Japanese version. Include your e-mail address.)
II. List of publications (If there are multiple authors, briefly describe your contribution. Indicate your most significant papers.)
III. Summary of past and present research and future directions (In English, max. 1,500 words. Include figures if necessary.)
IV. Names and contacts of references (two to four references including at least one international reference is desirable.)
V. Summary of career (Download the required form from the NIG homepage.)
VI. Your key papers
*All the personal data in the application is handled in strict confidentiality, and used solely for
recruitment purposes.

Submit items I to VI listed above electronically as follows:
(a) The subject line should be “Application for Neurobiology and Pathology Laboratory Assistant Professor”, which should be also noted in the e-mail body.
(b) Put items I to IV together in a single file by separating each item by page. E-mail the file as an attachment. The file format should be MS Word or PDF. Also attach item V (form can be
downloaded from the NIG homepage) as a separate file.
(c) Send your key papers as PDF attachments. The file format should be PDF. If your key papers are available to access online, include a list of URLs in the e-mail body.


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